GraduateDepartment of Physics, Chung-Ang University


무질서계 이론물리 연구실 (김건우 교수님) / Quantum Statistical Physics Lab (Prof. Kun Woo Kim)

▪ 연구실 소개 : 무질서계 이론물리 연구실 (김건우 교수님)

​ · 홈페이지

​ · ​구성원: 학부연구생 배준현 (20학번). 대학원생 모집 중


▪ 연구방법

Our research group searches for various novel features in disordered quantum matter under out-of-equilibrium conditions. Associated theories and methods, if necessary, will be learned as your re-search moves forward.  The structure of the way our theory research works can be roughly sketched as follows: 

(i) Spot an interesting problem to investigate from various sources (seminar talks, research papers, news media, etc.). While the concept of ‘interesting’ is subjective, if you can draw your colleagues’ attention to the problem, then it may be interesting enough. (ii) Model the problem. Construct a minimal model that can capture the essential physics that you are pursuing. This step is crucial. It is highly related to the successful completion of a project. (iii) Solve the model and find relevant physical quantities of your sought-after problem. In our research group, we employ numerical and analytic approaches together. A seemingly simple model in physics often doesn’t yield a simple analytic solution. Numerical approaches are often limited by computing resources. The two (or more, if available) approaches shall be joined and provide consistent results. Our group typically enjoy but not limited to the following techniques: 

· Condensed matter field theory
​· Numerical analysis, Computational methods
·​ Non-equilibrium Green​'s function approach


(iv) Propose feasible experiments which can verify your ‘theory’. No matter how bizarre your theory is, condensed matter systems will find you a platform of your theoretical predictions and it will unfold more of unexpected phenomena. ​


▪ 최근 연구 주제/성과/수행과제

· Floquet simulators for topological surface states in isolation (Physical Review X, 2023)

· ​ Optimal superconducting hybrid machine​ (Physical Review Research, 2023)

· ​ Probing the topological Anderson transition with quantum walks (Physical Review Research, 2021)

· ​ Quantum criticality of Floquet topological insulators (Physical Review B, 2020, Editor's suggestion)

​· ​ Nanomechanical characterization of quantum interference in a topological insulator nanowire (Nature Communications, 2019)​

​· ​ Experimental realization of on-chip topological nanoelectromechanical metamaterials (Nature, 2018)​ ​

​· ​Shift charge and spin photocurrents in Dirac surface states of topological insulator (Physical Review B, 2017)

​· Surface to bulk Fermi arcs via Weyl nodes as topological defects (Nature Communications, 2016)​​

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Fax : 02-825-4988
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