· 약력 2021/03 ~ 현재 중앙대학교 물리학과 조교수
2019/08 ~ 2021/01 독일 쾰른대학 이론물리 연구소 연구원
2018/07 ~ 2019/08 기초과학연구원 (IBS) 복잡계 이론물리 연구단 (PCS) 연구원
2014/07 ~ 2018/07 고등과학원 (KIAS) 연구원
2008/06 ~ 2014/06 캘리포니아 공과대학 (Caltech) 이학 박사 (응용물리)
2006/09 ~ 2008/06 캘리포니아 공과대학 (Caltech) 학사 (물리)
· 연구분야 Research area: Theoretical condensed matter physics (응집물질물리학, 이론)
Condensed matter physics deals with the physics of solid and liquid composed of interacting many particles. The number of particles in a condensed matter is large enough that the macroscopically accessible low energy physics is quite distinct from the physics in atomic scale: 'More is different', as Philip Anderson stated. My latest research is mainly focused on the study of disordered quantum matter in out-of-equilibrium condition. Ubiquitously present in condensed matter, disorder plays a nontrivial role in transforming the low energy physics via disorder induced quantum phase transitions. When combined with time dependent perturbations, the underlying dimension and topological property of quantum matter can be engineered at will. Based on the two research keywords, my research interest covers but not limited to:
-Driven topological quantum matter
-Disorder induced quantum phase transitions
-Quantum thermal engines
-Device physics based on Dirac material
High from the Low: Physics in high-energy phenomena often finds its manifestation in low-energy quantum systems. Notably, neutrino candidates like Weyl, Dirac, and Majorana fermions have been observed and extensively studied in condensed matter as low-energy quasi-particle excitations. This exploration has led to advancements in material design, the development of fault-tolerant topological quantum computers, and the creation of spin/thermal electronic devices. Additionally, axion particles, which are potential dark matter candidates, have been observed in strong topological insulators, revealing intriguing electromagnetic responses in quantum materials. Recently, the connection between high and low-energy physics has been further strengthened through the investigation of the SYK model. This model exhibits the AdS-CFT correspondence, connecting strongly correlated quantum matter with gravity theory.
Our research group, led by Professor Kun Woo Kim, focuses on the theoretical exploration of elementary particles that are relevant to both low and high-energy physics. We aim to uncover their profound connections and explore their potential applications across various scientific disciplines.
· 성명: 한상준 / Sang June Hahn · 직위 : 교수 / Professor · E-mail : sjhahn@cau.ac.kr · Tel : 02-820-5222